In partnership with CarbonEthics, Seastainable is offering an avenue for seapporters to help offset CO2e (carbon dioxide equivalent) through replanting important marine habitats such as seagrass, and mangroves! All these contribute to the marine ecosystem by providing food and shelter for marine animals and help keep coastal zones safe from strong waves and storms and sequester carbon emissions in our atmosphere.
In July 2023, we have revised our plans as such:

Blue Carbon Package: Every purchased package is to plant 1 Mangrove Seedlings, 1 Seaweed seedlings, and funding research for sustainable seagrass bed planting in Dompak Island, Bintan. This plan will support the sequestration of at least 60kg CO2-e and the seagrass bed research program is aimed to improve the restoration of seagrass meadows in Bintan. You will also contribute to improving the livelihood of local communities in Bintan and Kepulauan Seribu by increasing their source of income by 106%.
Included for all plans, is a e-gift card addressed to you or your recipient. If you wish to have the card addressed to a different recipient than yourself, please indicate their name in the note section upon checkout.
Other information & FAQ
Read more about CarbonEthics here and learn about your carbon footprint here.
How is seagrass carbon sequestering potential determined?
Seagrass ecosystems are capable of capturing 50-65% of coastal organic carbon per year, absorbing carbon dioxide from the combustion of fossil fuels by 0.8% per year and sinking 83-133 gC/m2/year on average. Globally, seagrass ecosystems can sink 27-44 Tg/C/year carbon. The Seagrass ecosystem has great potential in carbon sequestration and storage since it can be found all over the world except for Antarctica.
How does the cultivation process and research funds work?

Why is training the local farmers important?
The benefits of our mangrove planting extend beyond the environment. We partner with local farmers of Bintan to plant and cultivate our mangroves. This partnership not only increases their financial income, but also improves their awareness and expertise in coastal conservation. Our farmers receive training on mangrove nursery and planting, as well as field monitoring techniques. These training would provide them with the knowledge and skills required to plant and conserve mangrove forests.
How can I track my Blue Carbon Package?
Two months post purchase, you will be given a tracking number, and you can find the progress on the Carbon Ethics Website here