5 Tips for a Waste-Free Personal Care Routine

The beauty and personal care product industry is one among many that has negatively effect the environment, marine wildlife, and contaminates the human food supply chain. As most of the products produced from this industry are made from plastics, many of which cannot be recycled due to different local and global regulations. So what can we do as individuals? Sometimes all it takes is simple swaps in your lifestyle. 

This week, we're sharing five tips that you can follow to build a waste-free personal care routine! Browse through this list and find out how you can make the switch from disposable to reusable and sustainable products instead.

1. Cotton Swabs

TLDR: Buy bamboo cotton swabs, they’re comparable in price and better for the environment. 

Cotton swabs made with bamboo sticks are comparable in price as its plastic counterparts. They also provide the same function, but without the plastic pollution. 

2. Facial Cotton Rounds

TLDR: Use reusable pads or 100% cotton pads. 

Cotton rounds are often blended with synthetic materials like polyester, making it impossible to recycle. If you must have the disposable option, opt for 100% cotton that has the Soil Association logo. If not, opt for reusable ones. 

Soak them in a soap solution to loosen the debris before throwing them in the wash with your laundry, lest you stain your clothes! 

3. Toothbrushes

TLDR: Buy bamboo brushes if you can afford them, or upcycle your plastic ones.

99% of all the toothbrushes in the world are made from plastic. Opt for the bamboo option if you can afford it. 

Otherwise, upcycle your plastic ones by using it as a cleaning tool to scrub hard-to-get areas in your home, scrubbing dirty sports equipment like muddy boots or to even clean your pet’s dishes. 

4. Hair Brushes/Combs

TLDR: Wooden combs are better for your hair and the environment. 

Wooden brushes may prove better for your hair than a plastic one as it distributes the oil evenly across your scalp and the length of the hair due to its absorptive property. Its price point is also comparable to its plastic counterpart. 

5. Skip the make-up wipes 

TLDR: Makeup wipes have the same impact as microbeads do on the ocean. Use a cleansing balm instead or make your own cleansing wipes!

Make-up wipes are not necessarily more thorough with cleaning, and are also known to cause skin irritation due to the higher percentage of preservatives that prevent microorganisms from contaminating the wipes. While they are bad for your skin, they’re also notoriously bad for the environment. They are made of non-biodegradable plastic fibres and clog up sewer pipes when flushed down the toilet. 

One time in London, these wipes accumulated in the pipes stretching the length of two football pitches and weighed 11 double decker buses! Blimey! If you really need them for travel-purposes, you could soak cotton pads in make-up remover solution in a container. Otherwise, just skip them altogether.

Want to learn more tips for a waste-free lifestyle? Watch our space for more updates and insights and read through the Seastainable Blog at www.seastainable.co 

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